
Drug Decriminalization in Canada

After a century of prohibition and thousands of overdose deaths, a growing movement from all corners of society is calling for change

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The Canadian Drug Policy Coalition (CDPC) is a non-partisan, evidence-based policy advocacy organization comprised of more than 50 organizations and over 7,000 individuals striving to end the harms of drug prohibition. It operates as a project within Simon Fraser University in the Faculty of Health Sciences.

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Life-saving litigation in Canada

Two lawsuits in support of people who use drugs that you can support today.

Moms Stop the Harm (MSTH), Lethbridge Overdose Prevention Society (LOPS), and the Canadian Association of People Who Use Drugs (CAPUD) are taking governments to court. You can support them in their fight.

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Featured Publication

Recommendations on Alternatives to Criminal Penalties for Simple Possession of Controlled Substances

The Task Force found that criminalization of simple possession causes harms to Canadians and needs to end.

"Criminalization of people who use drugs harms some of the world’s most vulnerable citizens. This has to stop."

Stephen Lewis, former UN Special Envoy for HIV/AIDS in Africa. (Photo credit: Farhang Ghajar, CBC)